Build Profitable Relationships with Local and National Produce Growers
ProduceDesk offers an exclusive marketplace for buyers and sellers to find profitable trading opportunities

Exclusive Marketplace
ProduceDesk gives you access to an exclusive marketplace where you can find buyers and sellers nearby and across the country, gain an expansive view of the entire supply chain, and engage in profitable trading opportunities before your competition does. Whether you’re buying or selling, you can take advantage of spot market opportunities with ProduceDesk.
Streamline Communication
Our platform gives you the opportunity to create trade partner groups. You can batch together a number of users and communicate with them all simultaneously through our built in messaging platform.

Pricing Sheets
As a farm, you can enjoy the flexibility of sharing with the entire marketplace while having the ability to keep information private to trade partners. Sign up today and get your pricing sheets updated daily with ProduceDesk’s exclusive marketplace. We make posting available items and price adjustments simple and quick for all.
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